Hello Thigh High supporting partners,
Thanks again for supporting the Thigh High Surf + Wake Series! Stop 1 saw 60 unique athletes with multiple riding in more than one division and attendees were treated to complimentary airbrushed tees, yo-yo demos, educational sessions from pro athletes, live music, food trucks, complimentary snacks/beverages and more. Here’s a quick look at some highlights:
– Link to Photos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Jaf9RCYQjybWBJP3It-wneraadFiqDO5?usp=sharing
– Links to Recap Videos:
o 30-sec. promo: https://youtu.be/Ea8yP4dSBhs
o Wakesurf: https://youtu.be/iT_PkbwTlJs
o Wakeboard: https://youtu.be/PGsHygvQ4_Y
Stop 2 is right around the corner – June 5-6 at the Orlando Watersports Complex. We currently have 70 unique athletes competing (a handful are competing in more than one division); we’re expecting another 10-15 competitors to sign-up. Click here for the weekend’s schedule and see below for a few details to take action on/be aware as we head into the home stretch:
SWAG FOR ATHLETE BAGS: We’re seeking 125 units/item for athlete bags and will be building them out a few days prior to the event. If you’re local to Orlando, please drop them off at Nautiques of Orlando by June 1. If you need to ship them in, they should be sent to:
Danny Amir
6572 Lagoon Street
Windermere, FL 34786
If your brand is displaying on-site but no one will be attending the event, please send all on-site branded materials (e.g., whip flags, banners, tents, etc.), to Danny Amir via the above address or drop it off at Nautiques of Orlando before Friday, June 4.
PRE-EVENT SITE SET-UP: We’ll be getting all the tents placed and whip flags built on Friday before Stop 2 of Thigh High. So we can have a tight event site, please drop your tent off at Nautiques of Orlando before Friday (June 4) or drop it off during our event site set-up time on Friday around noon. If you’re dropping it off on Friday, swing around the lake to the event site and find Dano, Danny Harf or Joe Pace and they’ll get your tent checked-in, built and staked to the ground. If you’re unable to get your tent there until day-of — all good, just let us know.
DAY-OF SPONSORSHIP ACTIVATIONS: Athletes will begin checking in at 9AM on both days; please have your display space built and near final set-up by then.
COMMERCIALS: We’ll have multiple TVs on-site livestreaming the riders; if you didn’t send us a commercial for Stop 1 or have another you would like us to feature, send it to [email protected].

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Four Winns deck boat with a pair of Ocean LED underwater lights installed.

Ocean LED underwater lights installed on Four Winns deck boat.

Underwater Lights by Ocean LED installed in Four Winns deck boat.