Escort Max 360

Includes ESCORT Radar Performance Guarantee
(Get a Ticket, We Pay For It*)
The All-New Max 360 provides directional alert arrows (front, side to side and rear indication), extreme range, lightning fast response time, pinpoint precision and directional alert display. It’s the most advanced radar/laser detector on the market.

Side view
- Inside Overview
- Front view
- Rear view
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When you have a quick car, you might get a speeding ticket faster than you think. We offer products like the Valentine 1 that find radar and laser signals and alert you so you can HIT THE BRAKES!
We recently did a stealth install of a V1 in this Audi RS7.
- Close Up of V1
- Stealth Installation of V1
- Valentine 1 from Outside
- Audi RS7 with Valentine 1
- Audi RS7 Grill
A “stealth install” means that you don’t have the annoying cord hanging in the middle of your car to a power source. This annoying hanging cord gives law enforcement something to look at and see that you have a radar detector, which in hand gives them a reason to follow you to see if you’ll speed. The stealth installation of radar and laser detectors is the best way to have your detector without being detected that you have one. Call us for more info on stealth installs 407-704-5676

Find the Direction of the Signal
Info from Valentine1
V1’s new Junk-K Fighter eliminates most mobile K-band radar false alarms.
Here’s the problem: K-band radar false alarms, which were merely nuisances back when automatic store-door openers were the most common source, have recently become major-league irritants, both in their frequency and their persistence.
What changed? A safety feature that’s becoming common on new cars, the lane-change, or blind-spot, warning systems, often use weak K-band radar to “see” other vehicles nearby.
The door-opener problem was self-limiting. It was stationary and you soon drove out of range. But you may be driving in a pack with a blind-spot system generating mobile K-band radar false alarm, and you’re stuck there for miles, not knowing which is the offending car so you don’t know which one to maneuver away from.
V1 responds. All current-production V1s have Junk-K Fighter. If your V1’s serial number ends in 1179 or higher, you already have our best solution built into your detector. It’s a software revision we call the Junk-K Fighter, created to exclude mobile sources of unthreatening K signals.
For more information visit our shop at 87 W. Michigan St. Orlando, Florida 32806
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