Hydrasports Boat
Hydrasports yachts are a leader in offshore fishing boats.
We installed Seadek Non-Skid marine pads because they are easily washed, and are durable for the harsh environment of offshore fishing.
Also installed Rigid Industries light bars and other small lights, LED strips for accent lighting, and OceanLED lights for underwater. Most lights can be controlled from a smart phone including the RBG Kicker speakers we installed around the boat.
- Seadek is always custom
- Easy to clean!
- Other accessories for your boat sold at our location
- Kicker waterproof speakers in custom box
- Hidden speakers and LED lights
- Kicker KMC-10 installed with other Garmin units for navigation
- Demo the Kicker units in our shop for free
- More hidden LED lights installed
- Seadek from head to toe
- OceanLED lights for underwater accents
- Rigid LED light bars installed
- Kicker audio speakers installed for marine applications

Our client spends a lot of nights on the water in his Four winns deck boat and came to us wanting to end the night time visibility problem. We installed a pair of Ocean LED underwater lights to illuminate what lies below the waters surface. The Underwater glow makes night time boating safer, allowing you to see obstructions while navigating tight or shallow waters. The Ocean LED lights come with a 1 year over the counter warranty on the lights themselves and a lifetime warranty on the labor. Call to day to price out your boat accessories and take your summer to the Next Level 407-704-5676.

Four Winns deck boat with a pair of Ocean LED underwater lights installed.

Ocean LED underwater lights installed on Four Winns deck boat.

Underwater Lights by Ocean LED installed in Four Winns deck boat.