This Nautique is now equipped with the next level in marine stereo. We suggested replacing all the factory speakers, adding 2 new amplifiers, a new 12″ subwoofer, and a controller from WetSounds. The customer liked how well the speakers sounded on our Demo Wall in the showroom and was very excited to hear them in the boat.
- Speaker, Amp, Subwoofer
- WetSounds Stereo
- SW-420SQ and Speaker
- SW-420SQ Controller
- Overview of Nautique
- Bow Speakers Installed
We had to add new air ports around the passenger seat for the new WetSounds subwoofer and amp. The new stereo was built to be extremely loud, but needs air for maximum sound and quality. We fabricated a Nautique logo air vent by the feet of the seat as well as retrofitted the trash can door into an air port for the stereo.
- Speaker, Amp, Subwoofer
Here are pictures of the rest of the Wet Sounds speakers we installed.
- WetSounds speaker
- WetSounds speaker
- Wakeboard Boat Stereo
- Bow Speakers Installed