Saying Goodbye to Speeding Tickets with K40 Electronics Since 1978
August 26, 2019 | Author: Owner | No comments | Categories: Cars • Exotics • Muscle Cars • Speed Demons • SUVs • Trucks | Tags: K40 • K40 Laser Defuser • KBF Technology • Laser Defuser • Laser Jamming • Protection • Speed Ticket

K40 Electronics has been a staple in the laser detection industry since 1978. K40 prides itself on providing both a great line of quality products and standing behind those with the industry’s first “ticket free guarantee”.
Introducing the ticket free guarantee demands K40 to stay at the leading edge of technological advancements available in the radar detection industry, below we will discuss what sets them ahead of the competition.

40 Electronics
K40 Electronics offer full protection form Police radar. One way in which K40 offers that protection is through Front and Rear Radar receivers which provide 360 degree coverage to your vehicle.
Discretion is also important in the K40 Electronics product line with design elements offering sleek and hidden products that consumer receive as a piece of mind. The Radar-Mirror modification service creates alert arrows that illuminate through the rear-view mirror glass when a K40 radar and laser system detects police speed enforcement.
The discreet .08″ arrows vanish and the mirror returns to a factory appearance when the K40 system is not alerting. With some other Laser detection products false alerts can trigger the device and keep you guessing as a user; K40 Electronics are fitted with Advanced Digital Filtering using KBF Technology automatically rejecting those false alerts.
Along with protection K40 products also offer customization with mute options and alert setting to keep you focused on the real threat.
If a police laser gun is used to target your vehicle with short bursts of infrared light it takes just 0.3 seconds to get a speed lock on your vehicle. With the advancement in civilian laser detection comes advancement in police technology as well but K40 has an answer for that.
Since introducing the world’s first laser jammer countermeasure to police laser guns in 1994, K40 Electronics has evolved the high-performance Laser Defuser line with industry-leading innovations. Ask us about the available products in K40 systems that actually direct and disable police lasers guns rendering them ineffective and keeping you moving. K40 products are updatable to the latest technology to avoid tickets in the future, because inevitably new police laser detection technology will emerge. Each K40 product is easily able to add additional transponders for even more protection.

K40 Electronics
One thing that is guaranteed other that K40 electronics “ticket free guarantee” is that the industry will continue to change and advance. K40 Electrons has proven to be prepared and at times ahead of that change since 1978 and we look forward to seeing what they come up with next.
To order your K40 Electronics system; Call 407-340-8573 or stop in M-F or use the contact form on the homepage.