Ferrari 458 Stealth Install of PASSPORT 9500ci

Stealth Installed K40 Laser Jammer
We installed a PASSPORT 9500ix radar and laser detection system and then did a “stealth installation”
PASSPORT’s twin-antenna design sets a new standard for long-range protection. This patented design is completely undetectable, making it the perfect choice for those who like to run unnoticed. All North American radar bands are covered, including “POP” radar.
PASSPORT’s AutoSensitivity mode varies radar sensitivity based on your vehicle’s speed. The result is radar performance when needed most.
The PASSPORT 9500ci with all-new ShifterPro sensors provides the ultimate in discreet operation. Included sensors are mounted in the front grill area of your vehicle (rear shifters optional). Interior control module and display are separated for multiple installation options. The result is no messy cords and no unwanted attention.
Our all-new laser “Shifters” provide 360 degree protection (with optional rear shifters), including the latest “double-pulse” laser guns. Multiple sensors positioned front or rear can be programmed to “Shift” for maximum protection. “Shifting” may not be legal in your area. Check local laws before activating.
PASSPORT 9500ci is compatible with ESCORT Live, the award-winning app and exclusive real-time ticket-protection network, which warns you of upcoming alerts received and reported by other users in the area, and gives you access to local speed limit data for over-speed alerts.
For more details on protecting your car from police radar and laser speed trap guns, please call us today!
or email us at [email protected]